Gregory Jon

Gregory Jon

Gregory Jon has been a big part of the Milwaukee radio scene since 1991.Full Bio


The Dems are back to cheating by trying to pack the court again.

Jay Weber Show transcript 7-29-24 6:40am

This is a special request to listeners who consider themselves democrats or swing voters...or independents....

The listeners who might think we, on the right, are making things up when we talk about some of the radical changes today’s democrat party has in store for America when they retake ‘sole power’....

This is for those who don’t want to believe that today’s democrats are engaging in a very ‘anti-democratic’, ‘constitutional killing’ campaign to change this country.

Here’s proof that democrats, yes, do, want to steal back control of the supreme court because-if they play by the rules- it could be decades before they could ram their unconstitutional laws into place.

On Thursday- two credibly senate democrats introduced a bill to steal back the Supreme Court for their side of the aisle by having Joe Biden add four new members.

For those who don’t know: the constitution does not set the ‘number’ of justices that the supreme court should have. That’s set by congress- which settled on nine in 1869- and it has been the non-controversial standard number ever since.

But now that the conservatives have a 6-3 advantage on the court with no real chance for the liberals to retake control without having to wait years, and years (maybe decades) for conservative justices to retire-

Now they’re resorting to cheating. This is a real bill that has been introduced. It’s been ‘pending’ for a year now. Markey and Johnson and other dc democrats ‘want action’.

So far, Chuck Schumer hasn’t brought it up because there’s no way it would pass in the house-and why take a vote that reveals how extreme your members are-and how willing you are to cheat in order to get what you want-

If you know your cheating scheme is going to fail.

Get it?

That’s the only reason Chuck Schumer hasn’t tried to move this court-packing scheme.

But boy-have Schumer and the dc democrats been furious- as they’ve watched this conservative court finally get back to operating the way the supreme court was intended to operate: make rulings based on reading-and sticking to- the law and the constitution, and don’t try to ignore it or rewrite it yourself.

That’s what this 6-3 court has done. And it-infuriates- the leftists.  Especially since ‘sticking to the law’ has meant several previous foolish decisions by activist courts have been overturned. Over several sessions now-

And-as if to prove it-the Biden White House is suggesting that ‘still president’ going to release his own ‘official’ ideas to change the court in the Dem’s favor- and call it ‘reform’.

That’s an attempt to find a way around the fact that term limits is unconstitutional-but that plan has the same effect as congress involuntarily stripping the job away from those justices after 18 years.

After 18 years-you can no longer hear and decide cases? Well then-that’s not a ‘lifetime term’ on the court. 

It also opens the door for all sorts of new tampering and game playing- with the high court-depending on which party was in power-

And that is decidedly what the founders wanted to avoid when they set up the constitutional parameters around this job.

It’s also why i contend congress doesn’t have the power to force a so-called ‘code of ethics’ onto the supreme court...or set up some sort of bogus system where-in- other judges- got to decide when a supreme court justice needs to recuse him or herself from hearing cases.

This is all misguided and silly leftist activism- because they don’t like some of the decisions that this current court is handing down.

As these journal editors put it: it’s a truly laughable argument that a partisan ‘ethics’ bill is the way to depoliticize the court.


As is- an attempt to court-pack and have whichever party is in power retake control of the court by adding members every time they need to...just to control the judges.

That move -destroys- the reason and the notion of a high court. Completely.

Court packing is cheating.

Pretending you have a ‘code of ethics’ that you can then, use politically, to freeze out certain justices from hearing cases to get the ruling you cheating.

Trying to ‘term limit’ supreme court justices just because you think it would give your side an cheating.

But apparently, Joe Biden is going to propose at least a few of those today-or sometime this week- and pretend as if it’s about ‘good government’.

It’s not. Don’t be a gullible dope.

Don’t fall for it.

Ask yourself this question: would Joe Biden and the democrats be pushing for-any? - of these changes if liberals were currently in control of the supreme court?

No. Of course not.

If the leftists were in charge and they were getting all their preferred outcomes on cases, suddenly, this would be the most ethical and honest and venerable group of Supreme Court Justices-ever-right?

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > The Dems are back to cheating by trying to pack the court again.

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