This is how they celebrate Cinco De Mayo in Finland: 1000 PACK OF BEER!

via Time

I mentioned I saw this story last weekend to couple of my co-workers this morning, and they didn't believe me.  

A brewery in Finland has upped the ante of the number of drinks you can sell at once by introducing 1,000-count packs of beer.

Finland's Nokia Brewery announced the debut of its 1,000-count packs of its Keisari lager on April 25 and they are currently available in select Finnish supermarkets. While it is unclear how customers will actually transport the beer out of the store, the packs are on sale for about $2,343, Food & Wine reports. That amounts to about $2 per can.


According to Finnish news site Iltalehti, this 1,000-pack is “not a joke” – in so much as it actually exists. Obviously, selling such a monstrously large beer pack was done tongue-in-cheek, and the brewery admitted that the decision to sell 1,000 brews in one package was indeed a “spontaneous joke” intended as a response to Karjala, another beer brand in Finland, who earlier this month started offering a 100-pack. Good luck getting a buzz with that thing!

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